Ethical Challenges Surrounding Sora

Sora, an innovative AI tool that generates videos from text. How does it work? What is the origin of its training data? What are the associated ethical concerns?

Under the premise of «creating videos from text,» Sora, OpenAI’s latest development, invites us to explore a new world of creative possibilities. With this innovative tool, our ideas come to life and transform into captivating videos. However, behind this marvelous technological promise lies the same dilemma as that of generative image AI.

How does Sora work?

Sora analyzed many videos and learned to identify objects and actions. When provided with a text prompt, it creates a scene by defining timelines and adding details to each frame. This makes the result smoother and more realistic compared to other video generators.

What data was used to train Sora?

According to the carefully worded statements of Mira Murati, OpenAI’s interim president, the data used comes from «publicly available data and authorized data.»

When asked whether these included YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram videos, Murati paused briefly and then said she was unsure, but that if they were publicly available, there could be data from those platforms. However, she refused to elaborate on the exact nature of the data used and simply reiterated that they were either in the public domain or licensed.

The opacity in the selection and handling of these data raises significant concerns. What cultural, social, or political biases are embedded in this vast amount of data? And more crucially, how will these perceptions influence Sora’s creations?

What cultural, social, or political biases are embedded in this vast amount of data? And more crucially, how will these perceptions influence Sora’s creations?

The distinction between

what is real and what Sora generates poses a significant dilemma. For now, the company is still in the research phase and marking test videos. However, the true challenge lies in the safety and social implications of videos portraying fictional events. We must see AI as a tool to enrich creativity and knowledge, although choosing the right path to integrate these tools into our reality will be a considerable challenge.

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Soy Fernando Castillo

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